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Admission essay for lpn nursing

Admission essay for lpn nursing

admission essay for lpn nursing

Oct 27,  · This sample paper on (Sample Essay on LPN to RN Transition) was uploaded by one our contributors and does not necessarily reflect how our professionals write our papers. If you would like this paper removed from our website, please contact us via our Contact Us blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Sample application essay for nursing school. Instructions: This essay is for when I apply to nursing school. I am going for a bachelors in nursing. The only criteria for the essay is that it must be two pages long. The essay is supposed to describe my philosophy of nursing. I would like you to include a few things when describing my "philosophy." Nov 15,  · 5 / 5. Nursing is a difficult but rewarding service-based profession. Most often, writing an admission essay for a nursing program of your choice is being a significant part of the application process. Admission boards want to make sure that you understand all the difficulties and specialties of this blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

Undergraduate Nursing Programs — Hunter College

The last 2 months have been a whirlwind. I woke up one day and realized what had been in the back of my mind for so many years- I want to be a nurse. I immediately enrolled in an 18 day CNA program, obtained my certification, admission essay for lpn nursing, and am applying to an LPN program- TOMORROW!

I was wondering if any of you could give me any feedback on my entrance essay. They want a one page, hand written paper answering this: "Describe the characteristics you possess that you feel will contribute to your success in the Practical Nursing Program and in practice as an LPN".

Here is my essay. I was afraid I was using "I" too much and would give them the indication I am not a team player. What do you think? Please be brutally honest!!! I feel I possess several characteristics that will contribute to my success not only in the Practical Nursing Program but also in practice as an LPN and berond. Being a productive collaborator, having effective communication skills, and fostering a passion for learning are three qualities that will not only aide me in accomplishing my goals but will also allow me to excel in doing so.

I firmly believe that being a team player and productive collaborator is the most important characteristic of any student or LPN. An idea I strive to reflect is "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". My weakness may be someone else's strength.

As a novice, I feel being able to collaborate with more seasoned professionals is invaluable. I welcome the advice, assistance, and admission essay for lpn nursing of my teammates and co-workers. Without such collaborative efforts we would not be able to reach our collective goal- the best possible care for our patient. Being able to communicate in a clear and concise manner is very important to me. Whether it is with co-workers, clients, admission essay for lpn nursing, patients, or acquaintances, if you do not convey exactly what you are trying to say it can cause problems.

I admission essay for lpn nursing my best to speak and write in a manner in which my subject will best understand. I believe it is important to know not only who you are speaking to but also the best way to communicate with them without leaving room for misinterpretation or mistakes.

This includes the use of jargon or terminology that the person might not understand. It would also include being as concise as possible while not leaving out any pertinent details. Any miscommunication could have serious consequences. I feel as a potential nursing student I have the effective communication skills I have discussed that would be needed throughout my studies and my career.

I believe Anthony J. D'Angelo said it best when he said "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. Whether it is a mistake you made, something you read, admission essay for lpn nursing, or by act of repetition, we are all constantly learning and gaining knowledge.

I push myself to excel in my studies and help those around me who might be struggling. I love learning about new subjects and researching the "why" of things. By nature, I am a very inquisitive person and am satisfied knowing that I will never stop acquiring knowledge and will continue to grow both personally and professionally.

I have taken the first step in obtaining certification as a CNA. I am very eager to continue my health care career as an LPN and further my studies until I become an RN.

I am even researching graduate programs that would allow me to continue my education after I achieve that goal. I have a passion for learning and look forward to the opportunity that Mid-America Technology Center has to offer. By using the site you agree to our PrivacyCookiesand Terms of Service Policies. Nurses Specialties Students Schools Career World Articles Breakroom About.

Sign In Register Now! COVID Nurses Specialties Students Schools Career U. World Articles Magazine Ebooks About Us Breakroom Jobs. Search Search. Students General Students. Posted Apr 27, by rockinmom New.

Hello All, admission essay for lpn nursing, The last 2 months have been admission essay for lpn nursing whirlwind. This topic is now closed to further replies.

Nursing essay tips - How to write a nursing essay

, time: 11:20

The best nursing admission essay examples

admission essay for lpn nursing

Mar 28,  · I need to submit my application for an LPN program next week and I was seeing if I could get any tips on my essay. Any tips would be great! Thank you!!-There is no word count limit for the paper and here are the requirements: 1. Any leadership, community, or service positions you have held. 2. Your reason for selecting nursing as a career. 3 Oct 27,  · This sample paper on (Sample Essay on LPN to RN Transition) was uploaded by one our contributors and does not necessarily reflect how our professionals write our papers. If you would like this paper removed from our website, please contact us via our Contact Us blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins The application essay is a requirement that applicants must complete as a part of the admission packet. Some call this essay the personal essay, letter of intent, or statements of purpose. In essence, the application essay is the applicant’s chance to plea with the admission board for admission into their nursing blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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