7/7/ · A research says if participants between the age group of 43 and 61 donate blood every six months then they are at a lower risk of getting heart attacks and strokes. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: The risk of cancer such as liver, lung, colon and throat cancers can be reduced by consistent blood donation. This is because the iron stored in the body is maintained at a healthy blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 4/11/ · Blood donation Essay gives us many benefits as follows: A person requires a lot of blood when he has a serious illness or accident, then too much blood gets lost from his body. But donating blood enhances their health status and removes their critical blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 4/6/ · Blood Donation Essay. Blood donation is a charitable practice that is done to help individuals suffering from blood loss due to some illness or accident. Blood is the most important building block and fundamental component of a human body and its excessive loss from the body can lead to the death of a person if it is not transfused at the right blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
Importance of Blood Donation Essay | My Essay Point
Picture your son or daughter getting into car wreck and needs blood donation essay emergency blood transfusion. Imagine a sibling having leukemia, and needs regular blood transfusions to survive. Not exactly what you want to think about on a Sunday afternoon, but these are the harsh realities of the world we live in.
Many of you may have experience with these tragedies, blood donation essay, and lost. With the simple donation of blood, platelets or plasma, you could save the life of a loved one or a complete stranger. There are many reasons why a person would require blood from a donor, car accidents, serious burns, and people with cancer, leukemia, heart, and liver diseases. A person dying from a failed organ may have to give up a transplant from lack of blood to help with the transfusion.
It is estimated that 4. Of the Thirty Seven percent of Americans able to donate each year and only Ten percent actually do. Only healthy able bodied people can donate blood, this also limits the number of people who can donate. Donated blood can be stored for up to forty-two days. There are several different types of blood A, B, AB and O each type can be positive or negative.
For example the O positive blood type is the universal donor, blood donation essay O positive can only receive from another O positive donor. The average blood transfusion needs three pints of blood.
Blood cannot be made or harvested, so donation is the only way to get blood. Hire a subject expert to help you with Persuasive Essay on the Blood Donation. Just one blood donation made can save up to three human lives. After all the facts you have just received I am very hopeful that you will consider donating blood.
You may want to know how blood donation essay give blood donation essay well let me shed some more light on the subject.
You must be seventeen years of age and weigh at least pounds and healthy, blood donation essay.
The donation last about fifteen minuets, but you may be required to stay in the facility for up to an hour this just ensures you have no ill effects from the donation, like dizziness or nausea. About one pint of blood is taken during the donation process; any fluid loss is replaced after twenty-four hours. There are some restrictions to giving blood, if you have lived or visited in certain countries you cannot give blood. The donation center near you will have all of the required information on these circumstances.
There are some who oppose the donation and receiving of blood from others. There is also a ban on gay men being able to give blood. This ban is based upon the beliefs that gay men are more likely to have the AIDS virus. There has recently been talk of lifting the ban if the donor has not had sexual blood donation essay in at least ten years.
Just think on how much peace of mind you could have if everyone donated blood donation essay. There would blood donation essay no shortages, no possibility that a loved one would go without care due to a shortage of blood, blood donation essay.
I urge you to consider donating blood, to speak your friends and family about the importance of donating. You could be the one to save the next life, blood donation essay, maybe even your own. Citations America's Blood Centers, blood donation essay. htm The Periscope Post. Persuasive Essay on the Blood Donation. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jan 20, Accessed May 19, comJan As one looks back on medicine, they see that it is clearly defined by the medical practitioners that pioneered the ideas and procedures that now make up the backbone of.
Introduction The process of urination is vital to the body for the removal of certain waste products. Normally, when the bladder gets full, urine is emptied from the body through the. It can be only analyzed, blood donation essay. It is an international organization concerned with the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of public health; the world-recognized symbols of mercy and absolute neutrality are the Red Cross.
Pre-transfusion Blood Tests: Title: To perform the following tests: ABO and RH grouping using the Diamed Gel Card system. Rh and Kell phenotyping antigen typing using the Diamed Gel Card.
Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that affects at least 6. It occurs when tissue that lines the uterus is found. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Due to recent legislative introductions, the website is currently unavailable in Australia.
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Blood donation -- essay on blood donation -- blood donation essay in english --
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1/3/ · Blood donation is not at all harmful for the body; rather the four or five liters of blood that can be donated every three or four months by both men and women ensures that you remain fit and fine. Firstly, the cell depletion that occurs due to blood donation, forces the body to produce new cells within 48 hours, thereby freshening up the entire body system 7/7/ · A research says if participants between the age group of 43 and 61 donate blood every six months then they are at a lower risk of getting heart attacks and strokes. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: The risk of cancer such as liver, lung, colon and throat cancers can be reduced by consistent blood donation. This is because the iron stored in the body is maintained at a healthy blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 4/11/ · Blood donation Essay gives us many benefits as follows: A person requires a lot of blood when he has a serious illness or accident, then too much blood gets lost from his body. But donating blood enhances their health status and removes their critical blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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