· Essay on Acid Rain: With Solution – Essay 8 ( Words) The presence of harmful hydrogen ions in the raindrops which fall on us is called acid rain. Acid rain is a prominent term alluding to the testimony of a mixture of wet (rain, snow, slush, mist, cloud water, and dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Acid Rain Essay Words | 7 Pages. Acid Rain Acid rain is polluted rain. The pollutants go up to the atmosphere and when it rains it brings the pollution down with it. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the gases that form the acid rain. When these gases mix with moisture it can make rain, snow, hail, or even fog · Acid Rain Essay 4 ( words) Acid Rain can be defined as a type of rain or fog which is acidic in nature. Basically, Acid Rain occurs when hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) react with blogger.comt fumes and open-air burning release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Essay on Acid Rain: 8 Selected Essays on Acid Rain
The elevated levels of ions of hydrogen that land on the ground along with rainwater are what we all refer to as acid rain, essay on acid rain.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon which have been studied by researchers over a long period of time. The acid rain is considered harmful not just for plants but for human life and other living beings as well. Hence it is all the more important for the students to read about the causes of acid rain, what harmful effects it has on us and other flora and fauna and finally what can be done to prevent it, essay on acid rain.
Hence, we have come up with long essays for students on this very sensitive ecological topic, acid rain which would benefit students at large. Contents List of Essays on Acid Rain in English Essay on Acid Rain — Essay 1 Words Essay on Acid Rain: Introduction, After-Effects and Conclusion — Essay 2 Words Essay on Acid Rain: Causes and Effects — Essay 3 Words Essay on Acid Rain — Essay 4 Words Essay on Acid Rain: Causes, essay on acid rain, Effects and Prevention — Essay 5 Words Essay on Acid Rain: With Conclusion — Essay 6 Essay on acid rain Essay on Acid Rain: Types, Sources and Harmful Impacts — Essay 7 Words Essay on Acid Rain: With Solution — Essay 8 Words.
Acid rain simply means rain high in acidic contents such as a high rate of hydrogen ions. Acid rain is a cause of concern because of its effect on forest life and lakes. To a larger extent, acid rain is a big threat to our natural environment. When we burn fossil fuel, we release a lot of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere.
These compounds when mixed with air go straight into the atmosphere. At this level, they mix with water, oxygen, and other components to become acid rain. For the aquatic animal, acid rain becomes deadly since it reduces the PH level in the water. Many animals that live in water need a particular PH level to survive. When that PH level is reduced, it becomes difficult to survive. For trees, acid rain leaves them exposed to diseases. Our animal and plant life should be of paramount importance to us.
To end this, we must reduce our release of toxic gas into the atmosphere. Advancement of science and mass industrialization has led to many man-induced phenomenon and essay on acid rain rain is one of them. It is nothing but rain that is highly acidic in content. Poisonous gases emitted by chemical industries pollute the atmosphere with oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and hydrogen.
When these oxides raise high into the clouds, they react with water molecules there and turn them into sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid respectively. These acids are released into the atmosphere as rain, snow or precipitation. Natural phenomenon like volcanoes and fossil fuel combustion also produce harmful gases which can cause acid rain. Acid rains have a multitude of effects essay on acid rain humans, animals and the environment.
Breathing problems like asthma is caused in children and adults alike. Skin peeling is possible when there is direct contact essay on acid rain acid rain. Corrosion of metals, peeling of paints on buildings, erosion of natural stones like marbles, granites and limestones are all inclusive. In addition, rivers and oceans get polluted with high contents of acid resulting in death of plants, fishes and other sea creatures. Fresh water reserves turn toxic and harmful to consume.
Trees die due to direct and continuous exposure. Many insects are killed instantaneously. And exposed agricultural lands will no longer be fit for cultivation. Measures should be taken to avoid air pollution by industries. Environmentally friendly methods need to be adopted by everyone. Both the public and government need to realize the seriousness of the issue and work together to solve the problem of acid rain.
Interaction of this acidic water with other constituents of the atmosphere increases the soil acidity. It leaches away nutrients in the soil and heavily degrades quality of air. Rain water is increasingly acidified by pollutants released from homes, factories, power stations and cars.
Heavy industrialization and urbanization is the major cause of acid rain. The exhausts of industries and factories emit harmful gases like Sulphur Dioxide SiO 2 and Nitrogen Dioxide NO 2 in the atmosphere, essay on acid rain.
These gases interact with the water precipitation in the atmosphere and the chemical reaction between these gases and water molecules form Sulphuric Acid and Nitric acid. A Large number of industries are set up nearby the majestic Taj Mahal, which emit harmful pollutants in the air and cause acid rain.
To protect Taj Mahal over industries situated near Taj Mahal had transferred. The situation still remains critical because of the nearby leather industries. It has the largest impact on lakes, essay on acid rain, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. Acidic water is absorbed into the soil and water bodies which turns them into toxic compounds. The toxic pollutants pose a huge risk to the survival of aquatic creatures like crayfish, essay on acid rain, essay on acid rain, fish, and other aquatic animals.
All the citizens must adopt and practise eco-friendly lifestyle, essay on acid rain. We must encourage use of alternative energy sources which will prevent burning of fossil fuels which releases harmful gases. Acid rain is any form of precipitation which has acidic components like sulfuric acid or nitric acid.
It falls to ground from the atmosphere in either wet or dry form. The precipitation can be in many different forms — rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust. It has a pH less than 5. Normally, the clean rain water has a pH of 5. This is because of carbon dioxide dissolved in water, essay on acid rain. The term acid rain was coined by Robert Angus Smith in There are two types of acid rain depositions — wet deposition and dry deposition. It is a form of air pollution that is very damaging to the environment.
The reason behind acid rain is particles like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen essay on acid rain which are emitted from fuel combustion. These molecules move up the atmosphere with the help of air currents and then they react with water and oxygen to form sulphuric acids and nitric acids.
These acids combine with water before falling to ground in any form of precipitation, essay on acid rain. There are other sources of sulphur oxides and nitric oxides like volcanoes, manufacturing industries and vehicles. Even the decaying vegetation and wild forest fires generate the gases that form acid rain, essay on acid rain. There are many negative effects of acid rain, essay on acid rain. Acid rain can make water bodies like lakes and ponds poisonous.
This makes these water bodies inhabitable for marine life and makes the drinking sources unfit for human consumption. The number of aquatic animals and plants reduces because water becomes more acidic. It also degrades the quality of soil because of the acidic pH when it is absorbed into soil.
As the soil quality is affected, it leads to reduction in the crop yield. There is a reduced essay on acid rain of plants and trees in areas that are affected by acid rain.
It impacts human health by causing skin problems, heart and lung issues. Other than biotic components, it affects and damages buildings and property. It is corrosive in nature and this is reflected in the corrosion of Taj Mahal by acid rain. The problem is increasing and becoming worse because of the rapid population growth and industrialization. Although natural sources cannot be contained or regulated, we can at least work on controlling the manmade causes.
Acid rain can be reduced by choosing cleaner forms of energy like solar power. Afforestation is another thing that can help in reducing air pollution. Acid rain is basically wet deposition of acids in rain or snow that is of low pH on to the surface of the earth. However, rain water is naturally acidic due to the carbonic acid rain is an environmental hazard brought about by pollution. Pollution of the environment especially air and water pollution result in formation of acid rain.
Acid rain occurs in two ways. Air pollution causes the accumulation of chemicals in the atmosphere. These chemicals form chemical reactions that react with water and oxygen in the atmosphere and form acid rain.
Gases that are oxides like Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide form reactions with oxygen and water and form acids. These chemical reactions increase with the increase in air pollution by human or natural activities. Natural activities like the eruption of volcanoes or hot springs in geothermal result in the release of Sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere while lightning strikes cause a release of nitrogen oxide to the atmosphere. Human activities especially industrialization, combustion of fuels and emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere also contribute to the accumulation of oxides in the atmosphere which result in acid rain formation.
Air pollutants have greatly increased the formation of acid rain and the effects have affected the health of living things on the surface of the earth. Acid rain affects both animate and essay on acid rain components of the environment, essay on acid rain. Plants and animals are mostly affected health wise because of the direct interaction. Plants get scorched and growth is impaired because acid rain also affects the soil pH by acidifying it. Animals, essay on acid rain humans consume acid rain when harvested which affects their health negatively especially through heart and lung problems.
Acid rain is deleterious to aquatic animals like fish because acidic water flows to water bodies. Inanimate objects like buildings are also negatively affected. Buildings and bridges made of stone, steel or sand are corroded by the acids. Reduction of pollutants released to the atmosphere will prevent acid rain formation. The industries will have to ensure that filtration of gases before release to the atmosphere is done. There is a technical method of flue-gas desulphurization that helps in preventing emissions of Sulphur dioxide and compounds to the atmosphere.
10 Lines on Acid Rain in English
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Acid Rain Essay Words | 7 Pages. Acid Rain Acid rain is polluted rain. The pollutants go up to the atmosphere and when it rains it brings the pollution down with it. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the gases that form the acid rain. When these gases mix with moisture it can make rain, snow, hail, or even fog · Acid Rain Essay 4 ( words) Acid Rain can be defined as a type of rain or fog which is acidic in nature. Basically, Acid Rain occurs when hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) react with blogger.comt fumes and open-air burning release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · Essay on Acid Rain: With Solution – Essay 8 ( Words) The presence of harmful hydrogen ions in the raindrops which fall on us is called acid rain. Acid rain is a prominent term alluding to the testimony of a mixture of wet (rain, snow, slush, mist, cloud water, and dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
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