18/6/ · A House On Fire Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on A House On Fire of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and A House On Fire essay , , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 4/10/ · First paragraph 1. In ‘Flexion’, Kennedy explores the pain and anguish Frank feels as he fights his injury, determined not to let it 2. In the eponymous story ‘Like a House on Fire’, the unnamed protagonist suffers from a herniated disc that hinders his 13/11/ · descriptive essay house on fire The House on Fire That cold night of December had left behind a memory which will stay in my mind for a never ending period of time. That night was not the same as the rest of the days in my life. Instead of going to bed, that night I was standing in the middle of the road, in complete blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
A House on Fire Essay | Essay on A House on Fire for Students and Children in English - NCERT Books
Simply fill house on fire essay the form below, and the download will start straight away. Like A House on fire essay On Fire is currently studied in VCE English under Area of Study 1 - Text Response.
For a detailed guide on Text Response, check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response. Dissecting a collection of short stories can be very challenging due to the many characters involved, and the different themes. This is how I planned my essays ate the beginning of the year when I was still struggling with writing an essay on short stories and wanted everything to be clear to me before I start writing so that I know exactly what I will be covering. Although many of the characters in like a house on fire are dealing with physical and emotional painit is their resilience that will be remembered by the reader.
Do you agree? Now that we have highlighted the important parts that the question is inviting us to discuss, we know that we need to mention characters who are dealing with physical and emotional trauma yet rise above their tribulations, leaving the readers hopeful and optimistic. Thus, his resilience becomes admired by the readers who realise that despite almost dying, he chooses to alter his imperfect circumstances.
Which characters are unable to show resilience and become prisoners house on fire essay their imperfect circumstances? After planning which stories, we want to discuss in the essay, we can now begin the writing process. So essentially the most important part of writing your essay is planning it and making sure you understand properly what you need to answer in your essay.
So, I will run you through how I planned my essay in an actual exam situation. So just like we did with the detailed plan, we highlight the important parts of the question that will need to be discussed in the essay.
Then you need to think of the stories that represent physical pain yet the characters rise above their tribulations:. Then you need to think of the rebuttal story whereby the characters suffer but do not exhibit resilience:, house on fire essay. So essentially in the short plan you just outline the stories that you would like to mention and split them up according to which aspect of the prompt they will be answering rather than actually writing dot points on each one.
So your plan becomes less detailed but rather just an outline so you stay on track and do not ramble. By the way, to download a PDF version of this guide for printing or offline use, click here! Hey guys, welcome back to Lisa's Study Guides. So this week I have another essay topic breakdown for you. So eventually I'm going to get through all of the VCAA texts that are on the study design, but we're slowly going to get there and are just want to say yet again, even though this one is like a house on fire, I am really glad if you've house on fire essay on this video and you're not necessarily studying it because as always with all my videos, I try to give you an overall message for you to take away that can be applied to any single text.
So that is the same for this particular text today. And so even though the takeaway message for this video is quite specific to short stories, it's still an important consideration for any text that you're studying.
Ideally, you want to use a diverse range of evidence for any text, but in particular, for short stories, you don't house on fire essay want to rely on a small handful, but to try and make links between the different short stories, house on fire essay.
So let's see what that means on the other side of this quick overview of the text. Like a House on Fire is a collection of short stories by the author, Cate Kennedy, and unlike a lot of other texts on the study design, this book portrays a lot of very domestic situations, which seems fairly boring compared to some of the other texts that other students might be doing.
However, I'm really excited about this text because the short stories are great, house on fire essay. Not because they have groundbreaking premises, which they don't, but because of how effortlessly and deeply emotive they are.
So the domestic scenarios actually help us relate to the characters in the stories and empathize with the complexity of their experiences.
The essay topic we'll be looking at today is in Like a House on Fire, Kennedy finds strength in ordinary people. Here, the term which you really have to think about is strength. We already know that she depicts the story of ordinary people, of people like you or me, or house on fire essay just people we may know, but does she find strength in them? It could be physical strength, but more often than not, it might be other types of strength.
For instance, the mental strength it takes to cope with intense pressure or the emotional strength it takes to make a difficult choice or action. It's important to think about how they might actually apply throughout the book. In this sense, our essay will have essentially two halves. The first two body paragraphs we'll look at scenarios of intense pressure, be it through the loss of control in one's life or a domestic situation which has become emotionally tense.
The last two body paragraphs will then consider the types of strength that Kennedy evinces in these stories. And we'll contend that she does house on fire essay strength in the characters who face a difficult decision, but that she also finds a lot more strength in the characters who managed to cope with their situation and grapple with the tensions in their lives. In many of her stories, Kennedy portrays characters who experience powerlessness.
This loss of power can come a number of ways. For instance, house on fire essay Flexion and Like a House on Fire tell the story of men who have injured their previously reliable bodies and have thus been rendered immobile.
But they also tell the story of their respective wives who have lost some control over their lives now that they have to care for their husbands. On the other hand, there are the kids in Whirlpool whose mother insists that they dress a certain way for a Christmas photo. Her hand on your shoulders, exerting pressure that pushes you down.
Kennedy's use of second person really makes you feel this pressure that keeps you from going out to the pool you so desperately desire to be in. Evidently powerlessness is an experience that comes in many shapes and forms in several stories. In addition to this, Kennedy explores other emotional tensions across the collection, subverting the idea that the home is necessarily a safe sanctuary.
This is where she really goes beyond just the idea of powerlessness, but actually jumps into scenarios that are much more emotionally complex. In Ashes for instance, we see the homosexual protagonist struggle with feeling useless and tongue tied, embarrassed by the floundering pause between his mother and himself.
There is a significant emotional hurdle there, which is particularly poignant given that mothers are usually considered a source of safety and comfort for their children. Kennedy's story of domesticity actually subvert or question what we might think of the domestic space shared by family members. If you have the Scribe edition of the book, the artwork on the cover would depict a vase of wilting flowers, an empty picture frame, and a spilt cup of coffee.
These are all visual symbols of an imperfect domestic life. A similar rift exists between husband and wife in both Five Dollar Family and Waiting, the women find themselves unable to emotionally depend on their partners.
While Michelle in Five Dollar Family despises her husbands startled, faintly incredulous expression, an inability to care for their child, the protagonist in Waiting struggles to talk about her miscarriages with her husband who is already worn down as it is. Kennedy takes these household roles of mother, son, husband, wife, and really dives into the complex shades of emotion that lies within these relationships.
We realize through her stories that a mother can't always provide comfort to a child and that a husband isn't always the dependable partner that he's supposed to be, house on fire essay. However, Kennedy does find strength in some characters who do take a bold or courageous leap in some way.
These are really important moments in which she is able to show us the strength that it takes to make these decisions. And she triumphs however small or insignificant that can be achieved.
A moment that really stands out to me house on fire essay the ending of Laminex and Mirrors, where the protagonist rebelliously smuggles a hospital patient out for a smoke only to have to take him back into his ward through the main entrance and therefore get them both caught. She recounts this experience as the one I remember most clearly from the year I turned The two of us content, just for this perfect moment.
And their success resonates with the audience, house on fire essay, even though the protagonist would have lost her job house on fire essay therefore the income she needed for her trip to London, Kennedy demonstrates her strength in choosing compassion for an elderly patient.
Even the sister in Whirlpool, who wasn't exactly kind to the protagonist in the beginning, forms an unlikely alliance with her against their mother, sharing a reckless moment and cutting their photo shoot short.
Bold leaps such as these are ones that take strength and therefore deserve admiration. However, more often than not, Kennedy's stories are more about the strength needed to simply cope with life, one day at a time. She explores the minutiae of her characters lives in a way that conveys the day to day struggles, but also hints at the underlying fortitude needed to deal with these things on a daily basis.
In Tender, the wife feels as if everything at home is on the verge of coming apart since her husband is only able to cook tuna and pasta casserole for their kids. However, when she must get a possibly malignant tumour removed, her concern of whether there'll be tuna and pasta in the pantry just in case, demonstrates her selfless nature.
Kennedy thus creates a character who is strong for others, house on fire essay, even when her own life at home is disorderly and her health may be in jeopardy. The strength of gritting one's teeth and getting on with things in spite of emotional tension is a central idea across this collection, and many other examples are there for you to consider as well.
And so we come to the end of our essay. Hopefully going through this gives you an idea of how to cover more bases with your evidence. Remember that you don't have to recount lots and lots of events, but it's more important to engage with what the events are actually telling us about people. This is particularly important for prompts like this one, where it heavily focuses on the people involved. That is it for me this week, house on fire essay, please give this video a thumbs up.
If you wanted to say thanks to Mark, who has been helping me write these scripts up for a lot of the text response essay, topic breakdowns. If you enjoyed this, house on fire essay, then you might also be interested in the live stream coming up next week, which will be on Friday the 25th of May at PM.
I'll be covering house on fire essay topic of analysing argument for the second time, just because there's so much to get through.
I'll also be house on fire essay some special things house on fire essay that particular live stream. So make sure you're there so you're the first to hear it. I will see you guys next week.
Download a PDF version of this blog for printing or offline use. VCE Text Response Study Guide. Close analysis of 'Cake' from Like a House on Fire.
The Ultimate guide to VCE Text Response. How house on fire essay embed quotes in your essay like a boss. Like a House on Fire Essay Planning. Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays? Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down house on fire essay art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps.
Click below to get your own copy today! Then you're not alone! If you struggle to understand and stay on topic, house on fire essay, learn how to answer the prompt every time with this quick free how-to guide. The Crucible is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. Although partially fictionalised, house on fire essay, it depicts the very real consequences of false accusations based on blind religious faithas Miller displays the dangers of such baseless rumours.
However, the play was written during another type of witch hunt: McCarthyism in s America.
Like a House on Fire Essay Question How does LaHoF explore the chaos
, time: 21:39How to get an A+ on your Like a House on Fire essay? | Lisa's Study Guides
3/1/ · A House on Fire Essay – A burning house attracts many shocked spectators trying to take care of the situation. People come out with buckets of water, sand and dust trying to control the growing flames. Neighbours can be seen trying to help victims holed up inside the house and trying to care for their burns and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 13/7/ · Free sample essay on A House on Fire. One day, I was studying at home. Suddenly there was a loud noise. I came out of my house to know what had happened in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 20/3/ · The roof was on fire, the doors and the windows were on fire, fire was even coming out of the house through various openings, looking like a fire-breathing dragon was inside the house, puffing fire. The flames burned deep red and amber, almost livid purple as I saw various firefighters trying to put out the fire
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