10/2/ · Google And Yahoo Search Engine Computer Science Essay Pages: 31 ( words) Algorithm Of Search Engine Computer Science Essay Pages: 15 ( words) Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears Pages: 4 ( words) Grizzly Bear Pages: 9 ( words) Enviromental Isses Pages: ( words) Climate Change and Global Warming Analysis Pages: 10 Seal drafts around windows and doors to avoid escapes. Make sure that your house has adequate insulation. e) Ask your local electric or gas utility perform an energy audit of your house or apartment. Then put them the recommendations into practice This essay will review the literature that is available on the definition of Global warming, the causes of global warming, effects of global warming on the community and nations, what the government is doing to stop global warming, as well as what Non-Governmental Organizations or Non-State Organizations are doing to stop global warming and finally what should be done to stop global
How to Stop Global Warming Free Essay Example
The environment as of now causes everyone to be in trouble. To stop the global warming, Citizens should learn how to reduce the use of plastic, plant more trees, and consume energy more wisely. Therefore, by using less plastic, citizens could alleviate to the eco-system disruption. Plastics are very durable, cheap, and can even last for a lifetime. But over the years, a lot of things are changing just because of plastic.
Many sea turtles have died since they have eaten plastic bags because they thought it was a jellyfish that they could eat. Not only the animals in the world are being affected, but also mother nature itself. Citizens should know when and how to use plastic bags in a proper manner. As for myself, as much as possible, I help to minimize plastic pollution by using metal straws, spoons, how to stop global warming essay, and forks.
I bring them every day with me so whenever I go out to get food, I do not have to ask for disposable plastic utensils to help save the environment. Bringing our own eco bag or what we call reusable grocery bags every time we shop or do some groceries will stop the destruction of our eco-system. Every product that we use has a label if it can be reused or recycled. Reduce means reducing the products that people should buy and avoiding the products with too much packaging, how to stop global warming essay.
All these plastics can last for a lifetime and may affect the environment. Secondly, recycling is where reuse things that are reusable and do not easily break. Lastly, recycle. There are a lot of kinds of stuff that citizens could recycle, like, papers, cans, plastic, and glass.
It could make new things like toys or even clothes. It would reduce almost fifty percent of the material that can all go to waste. We should look for items that can be recycled instead of the items that cannot be used anymore because it can save more money and could be much more convenient.
Therefore, by using fewer plastics, citizens could help the world be a better place to live in. As our climate changes and causes global warming, We Citizens plant more trees around the world. As we all know, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Around my community, I was worried when I saw that all the trees and plants are cut down because they were building more houses around the area. I cannot imagine how many trees were lost. We can get flooding in the area because of all the trees that were cut down.
That is why I do as much as possible. I plant my own plants and let them grow so that, even if it is just a small thing to do, I can still be able to help my community.
Trees provide a lot of benefits to all the citizens in the world by preventing soil erosion, adding beauty to our community, help flying animals have a place to live, give us a cooling shade, and help clean the water.
The country of Pakistan plans to plant how to stop global warming essay of how to stop global warming essay to help fight climate change and restore all empty forests that were affected, how to stop global warming essay. They plan to plant trees to help reduce the risk of flooding from the melting glaciers and to protect the fast eroding landscape in Pakistan. These small acts can help stop global warming.
All of us should make a stand and act now. Finally, by consuming how to stop global warming essay wisely, citizens will use all these things in a proper way. We use energy every day, in cars, lights, cooling, and manufacturing. In my Filipino culture, almost everyone bathes rather than showers. How to stop global warming essay use a dipper and pail of water when we take a bath. Every time we need to wash our bodies, we turn on the faucet, Once the pale gets full, we turn it off to reduce waste.
We also do not have water heaters. We are used to taking baths with cold water. Doing these small things, we are helping the community to use less energy as much as possible. Saving energy means consuming less. It will also lessen the carbon dioxide that can be released into the atmosphere. A lot of houses that are being built right now have solar panels that are readily available for use.
Solar panels help reduce air pollution, water pollution, and the need for resources. By using solar panels, we can get the energy source straight from the sun. It can be used repeatedly. It also helps us to save so much money. Instead of paying for electrical bills, we can just save it or set it aside to pay for other important necessities. To conclude, citizens can do a lot to stop global warming. We humans are all responsible for what goes in the world right now.
If we do not act today, what will happen to the future? Imagine all the babies that are being born today. Do they deserve all of this? We need to change our thinking and help our communities, our countries, and our world to restore all the things that are lost.
We must move in engaging new capabilities and better ways to stop global warming. How to Stop Global Warming. Accessed May 19, How to Stop Global Warming Categories: Climate Change Global Warming And Climate Change Global Warming Cause And Effect. Download paper. Essay, Pages 4 words. Get a verified writer to help you with How to Stop Global Warming.
Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page How to Stop Global Warming. Related Essays, how to stop global warming essay. Strategies to stop global warming Pages: 3 words How to Stop or Reverse Global Warming Pages: 2 words Stop to Global Warming and Climate Change Pages: 3 words Global Warming: The Overlooked Man-Made Disaster Pages: 2 words Global Warming : causes, effects and remedies Pages: 5 words Global warming speech Pages: 3 words Global Warming - Argument Essay Pages: 3 words Global Warming Assignment "Summary" Pages: 2 words "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore Global Warming Pages: 7 words Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and Solutions Pages: 3 words.
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Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated.
, time: 10:07How to Stop or Reverse Global Warming Free Essay Example

Excerpt from Essay: Global warming is caused by the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which trap heat inside the planet and keep it from escaping into outer blogger.come the globe is like a parked car sitting in the sun with all the windows rolled up 24/12/ · Prevention of Global Warming Essay 4 ( words) There are many effective methods to prevent the global warming. First of all we need to change our habits in order to bring some positive changes in our daily life. We need to replace our regular bulbs with the most effective compact fluorescent light (also called CFL) to reduce heat blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 15/5/ · A plan to stop or reverse global warming is needed before irreversible damage occurs and there is no going back. Some scientists believe that an alternative source of energy is needed to replace the toxic fossil fuels. Renewable energy is slowly taking the spot from fossil fuels, as it is more sustainable and eco-friendlier
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