This is usually the most common reason breakups occur amongst fellow teenagers. While outer beauty is merely a false image or a temporary illusion of who we are, inner beauty is the one that reveals who we truly are. It goes far beyond just physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Aug 29, · Inner Beauty VS Outer Beauty Inner and outer beauties are both needed to feel good about you. Together, they make you who you are. While outer beauty gives off a more physical effect on the body, inner beauty has more of a psychological effect on the mind. Everyone knows that feeling beautiful or seeing something beautiful is a wonderful thing Outer beauty refers to the good quality of physical appearance while inner beauty refers to the personal traits or talents which are not easy to observe from the appearance. And there are lots of discussion arguing which is more important to a human being
Physical Beauty vs Inner Beauty - blogger.com
During the history of mankind the image of beautiful person man and woman was constantly changing. Even 50 years ago people had other view on what appearance person should have to be considered beautiful. So many poets and writers glorified the human beauty. However, people usually talk about external or outer beauty. But what about internal beauty? We decided to write not just essay on beauty, but to make it inner beauty essay.
So, read and enjoy. We used to think that human beauty hides in the eyes. However, something that one considers beautiful other person may consider ugly. You can look for the beauty inside in the way how a person presents the beauty aura, inner beauty vs outer beauty essay. It is not important how much beautiful a person is, it is important how much naturally he carries the aura of beauty.
The beauty is in the kindness that is a part of the aura, in peaceful nature, in a certain confidence and inner calmness. Faces with the absolute accuracy of the features, inner beauty vs outer beauty essay, beautiful appearance can be egoistic, haughty, fussy or arrogant; they often want to show their superiority over others.
Such a superficial beauty will not last forever. People grow old and external features fade away. Time changes us as physically as internally, we do not have the same appearance during our lifetime. At the same time inner beauty will last forever. Superficial beauty inner beauty vs outer beauty essay not make deep impression, and those who aim to get beautiful face and perfect body with the help of Botox injections and other wonders of surgery will hardly get wide recognition and respect.
However, most people will prefer to talk to a person who has attractive appearance, because we all are attracted by something beautiful, inner beauty vs outer beauty essay. Having looked deeper, you will discover an empty shell instead of beauty. You will understand how much important it is to have beauty inside and how much seldom you can meet people who have inner and external beauty at the same time.
Internal human beauty is presented naturally and unpretentious. You understand how much beautiful this person is, and definitely you will prefer inner beauty to external. A person with beautiful soul shines brighter than beautiful face with emptiness inside.
In such a way, inner beauty of a person is much more important than superficial external beauty, and also we can keep it for the whole life. Nevertheless, the researches show that people who have attractive appearance get work more often, especially if the interviewer also considers them attractive.
The same researches prove that pupils like more teachers with attractive appearance, and think that they are more intelligent and more professional than others. It is well known that children react positively to attractive faces.
Is it possible to disagree with that? Billions and billions of dollars spent each year on means that should make our appearance better. Much more than money spent on books, theatres and museums, for example. Think about it: those who suffer from extreme obesity seem attractive to you? Do you think they have rich spiritual world? Of course, we can not judge without knowing them closer, but one thing is obvious: their appearance pushes you away.
Because people, especially women, are very critical about appearance of each other. Besides, people who do not like their body usually have lack of self-respect. Beauty of physical look does not mean that someone is better than others. The conception of ideal beauty is built on the age-old competition and desire to create visual attractiveness as a means of competition.
The reason for this is in biology. Of course, physical beauty is important, inner beauty vs outer beauty essay, but fortunately it is not the only thing that a person can give to the world. For the most powerful people, who take decisions, physical features are less essential than such trait as charisma, intelligence, confidence and sense of purpose, which are also elements of inner beauty.
Perfect skin and face features are not life-determining things for them. Not everyone was blessed by good genetics, but this is life and we all have to play according to its rules. Sure, outer beauty is a great gift, but what is important is how person decides to use the physical features, can he or she become successful using appearance. It sounds great. But everyone knows that the beauty issue concerns women more. Unfortunately, women judge more strictly the attractiveness than men.
This is not fair, but this is life. So, beauty is a harmonious whole that brings moral and aesthetic pleasure. Inner beauty of a person is visible from the outside and it makes the person look beautiful.
The most important thing is the harmony of body and soul, the inner beauty of a person should be combined with external beauty. Learn how to combine them in yourself and you will be really happy man. Our notions of the ideal of beauty are embodied in outer beauty. External beauty is not only anthropological perfection of all the body elements, it is not only the health.
It is inner spirituality: rich world of the thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for others and self-respect and so on. The higher moral development and the overall level of human spiritual culture is, the brighter rich spiritual world reflects in external features. In simple words, inner beauty is reflected in the appearance. There is nothing ashamed in the fact that person wants to be beautiful, to look nice. Outer beauty has its inner moral sources.
When a person is engaged with something he likes to do, he looks more attractive, it seems that he has inner light that males him beautiful. Favorite work makes a person beautiful, transforms facial features, and makes them thin and expressive. If inner spiritual wealth forms human beauty, then inactivity and immoral activities destroy the beauty. Immoral activities disfigure. A person who has the habit to lie, dissemble, rant avoids looking into the eyes of others, it is hard to see a thought inside his eyes, he hides it.
Be yourself, cherish your dignity, because this is the source of the real human beauty. Inner beauty vs outer beauty essay ideal of human beauty is the moral ideal at the same time. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic inner beauty vs outer beauty essay is the harmony that people seek for.
There are so many essays on beauty already written, but I hope in this beauty essay we managed to transfer the main idea that beauty has two sides, external and internal, and these two elements should not exist separately. There always should be unity of inner and outer beauty.
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Inner beauty of a human or external: what is more important? Inner beauty of a human or external: what inner beauty vs outer beauty essay choose? The inner beauty of a person Internal human beauty is presented naturally and unpretentious. What about appearance? The unity of inner and outer beauty of a man Our notions of the ideal of beauty are embodied in outer beauty.
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Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty
, time: 14:47Innerbeauty vs Outer beauty Free Essay Example

Aug 29, · Inner Beauty VS Outer Beauty Inner and outer beauties are both needed to feel good about you. Together, they make you who you are. While outer beauty gives off a more physical effect on the body, inner beauty has more of a psychological effect on the mind. Everyone knows that feeling beautiful or seeing something beautiful is a wonderful thing Dec 05, · Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty Brandi Harbin English Composition Instructor: Amy Morris October 31, Physical beauty is outside for everyone to see. Physical beauty is usually the way men guage whether to talk to a woman Outer beauty refers to the good quality of physical appearance while inner beauty refers to the personal traits or talents which are not straightforward to observe from the appearance. And there are lots of discussion arguing which is more important to a human being. People with outer beauty could make a great first impression on the others while people with
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